Today we introduced two improvements for the logging voter activity in the Election Manager:

Searchable Activity Log
The activity log is an audit trail of all significant activity related to the ballot. You can now search the activity log by Elector ID, by IP address, or by the type of activity.
Fine-Grained Logging
We now keep track of voter activity events leading up the final ballot submission. The “ballot opened” event reflects the voter accessing the ballot to start voting. The “ballot filled” event reflects the voter proceeding to the confirmation page. If a voter’s session is interrupted or if the voter changes her mind before final submission, you may find several “ballot opened” and/or “ballot filled” events leading up the “online vote” event.
These two improvements enhance the auditability of your election and also empower you to better help your voters. For example, if a voter reaches out to the election organizer needing assistance, you can now see where in voting process this particular voter “got stuck” and what steps remain to resolve the voter’s difficulty.
With the addition of the searchable activity log and fine-grained logging, Simply Voting has made it easier than ever for election organizers to track and understand voter behavior. The ability to search by Elector ID, IP address, or activity type gives you greater control over the audit trail and allows for quicker identification of any issues that may arise. These tools not only increase transparency but also provide valuable insights into the voting process, ensuring that you can assist voters efficiently. Whether it’s troubleshooting voter difficulties or confirming the integrity of your election, these updates provide the detailed information needed to support both your voters and the election’s overall security.
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