Milestone Achieved: 2014 Ontario Municipal Elections

Simply Voting delivered official results last week to four municipalities after providing them with internet and telephone voting for the 2014 Ontario municipal elections.

While these were not the largest or most complicated elections we’ve tackled, they are our first public, binding elections and therefore an important milestone that reinforces Simply Voting’s corporate profile. Especially considering that, to quote the Chief Administrative Officer of Deep River “the election went as smooth as silk“.

A total of 25,689 eligible voters from Central Huron, Huron East, Cavan Monaghan and Deep River were able to cast ballots using any phone or web-enabled device. Each town also operated a Help Centre where voters could receive assistance and vote at a tablet or computer kiosk. Voting continued for two weeks and participation rates were similar to or higher than the previous election. Deep River in particular saw 21% more votes cast.

Online voting performed flawlessly. “This was Central Huron’s first experience using internet and telephone voting, and the electronic voting system provided by Simply Voting was user friendly, worked exactly as promised, was well received by the electors and saved us many hours of manpower. The professionalism of this company was evident in their product and their excellent training and support services.” said Janisse Zimmerman, Clerk’s Assistant at Central Huron.

Read the press release.