We are pleased to announce an enhancement within the Election Manager for managing question and option reordering on your ballot. You can now save time by using the reordering feature which employs a drag and drop interface.
This update saves time and reduces the complexity of adjusting your ballot layout. Whether you’re managing a simple election or a more complex one, this tool ensures flexibility and efficiency in creating a well-structured ballot.
Key Benefits:
- Drag-and-Drop Simplicity: Rearrange questions and options in seconds by clicking and dragging them into the desired order.
- Improved Workflow Efficiency: Quickly adjust the layout without navigating multiple menus or manual entry.
- Enhanced Accuracy: Visualize the final ballot format as you reorder, minimizing errors.
For example, imagine managing the placement of questions on your election ballot: simply drag the questions to their new positions, and your updates are instantly reflected.
This enhancement is part of our ongoing commitment to provide intuitive tools that make the election management process seamless.
Below is an example of managing the placement of questions on your election ballot.

Below is an example of managing the fixed order for options for a given question.
This new enhancement can be found detailed in our extensive Help Portal, so give it a go in your next election!
Contact us if you need more information!