Dropping support for insecure browsers

As of today we are requiring voters and election organizers to connect to Simply Voting using TLS 1.2. The TLS protocol is used by browsers to encrypt communication between the visitor and the website. Its use is indicated by a green padlock in the browser window confirming that the connection is secure. TLS 1.2 is the modern version that supports the latest cryptographic ciphers, and is much more secure than TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 which have been proven vulnerable to hacking.

By requiring TLS 1.2, older browsers that do not support this version will not be able to access the voting website or Election Manager. Modern TLS is supported by Firefox 28+, Chrome 33+, Opera 19+, Safari 7+, iOS Safari 5.1+, Android Browser 51+ and Internet Explorer 11.

Users stuck on older operating systems such as Windows XP or Mac OS X Mountain Lion may still access Simply Voting by using an alternative browser such as Chrome or Firefox. Users of Windows 7 that for whatever reason are prevented from updating Internet Explorer or installing an alternative browser can manually enable TLS 1.2 on Internet Explorer 8, 9 or 10 by checking it off in the Advanced tab in Internet Options.

After reviewing our logs we’ve determined that on average 0.2% of voters are using insecure browsers. This number will decrease over time as computers are updated, replaced, or have alternative browsers installed. Many large websites such as PayPal have already made this step, and there’s an approaching deadline of June 30, 2018 for websites to require a minimum of TLS 1.1 in order to remain PCI compliant (a security standard which Simply Voting adheres to) so many more will follow. While Simply Voting strives to make the voting system work with all browsers, we also place great importance on security. The time has come to drop support for insecure browsers, to make a safer voting system.

New Turnout by Country Report

Simply Voting has a new feature for organizations who are interested in gaining a better idea about where in the world electors cast their votes – a Turnout by Country report!

How to Create a Turnout by Country Report? *

Glad you asked. It’s simple.

1) Log in to your Simply Voting account to open the Election Manager.
2) At the bottom of the initial page, you will see your Elections as hyperlinks. Click on the Election for which you’d like to generate the report.
3) Hover over the header highlighted in yellow and select Turnout Report from the drop-down menu.
4) Click on Download Turnout by Country CSV to easily review what countries Electors voted from.

The Turnout by Country report provides organizations with valuable insights into voter engagement on a global scale. By analyzing this data, administrators can better understand voting patterns, identify trends in participation across different regions, and tailor future outreach efforts to maximize voter involvement. This feature is especially useful for international organizations or elections with a geographically diverse electorate, helping to paint a clearer picture of global participation in the democratic process.

*For Fully Managed Elections, let your Project Manager know that you’d like a copy of these neat statistics.

Contact us if you need more information!

Less Clicks to Vote

The voting website, where e-democracy happens, should be as convenient and intuitive as possible for the voter. Therefore we’ve made a couple of changes to offer you a better navigation:

Better Navigation

The “Vote” navigation button was renamed to the “Home” button, since the Home page might be used for purposes other than voting, for example checking a vote receipt. We also re-ordered the navigation menu to be more intuitive.

Jump to the Ballot

When a voter logs into the voting website, they are taken directly to the ballot instead of the Home page under the following circumstances:

  • They are eligible to vote in a current election; and
  • They haven’t already voted in it; and
  • They are not eligible to vote in any other current elections

In such cases it makes sense to push the voter along the process and save them an extra click. In the rare case that the voter doesn’t want to vote, they can click on the Home navigation button or click the Cancel button at the bottom of the ballot to get to the Home page.

These updates are designed to streamline the voter experience, making the process faster and more user-friendly. By minimizing unnecessary steps and ensuring that navigation is clear and intuitive, we aim to reduce confusion and improve overall satisfaction. As always, our goal is to make e-democracy as accessible and efficient as possible for every voter.

Contact us for more information

Social Media Sharing

Simply Voting now offers a Social Media Sharing feature to help you increase awareness about your voting events and boost voter participation.

Studies have shown how social pressure can encourage others to vote. That’s why we’ve created a tool that allows election organizers to quickly and easily turn voters into influential engagement evangelists.

Once the voter casts their ballot online, integrated Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ buttons appear beneath the confirmation message. This feature will encourage voters to promote the fact that they voted across those social networks. Voters can post a default message or personalize it.

All social shares include a link back to the voting website to drive voter participation. Other eligible voters connected to this person in their social network will see a relevant message in their newsfeed, keeping your election top of mind. They will be encouraged to vote thanks to positive peer pressure.

This feature not only boosts visibility but also fosters a sense of community and engagement around your election. By leveraging the power of social networks, you can inspire action turning each voter into a champion for your cause. It’s an easy, effective way to enhance turnout and ensure your voting event achieves maximum participation.

Self administered customers can begin making use of this new feature by simply checking off the Social Media Sharing checkbox on the Settings page of the Election Manager. Managed customers should contact support to get started today.

Mobile Optimization

Mobile optimization is crucial in today’s digital landscape, where convenience and accessibility drive voter engagement. By delivering a seamless and consistent experience across all devices, our responsive design ensures that voters can confidently participate in elections from anywhere, at any time. This enhanced usability not only boosts voter satisfaction but also helps increase overall turnout by removing barriers for mobile users.

Users of our online voting system are accessing their ballots from smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices more than ever before. While Simply Voting always worked on a mobile device, today we launched a responsive web design for all our clients’ voting websites that is truly mobile-friendly. A responsive web designs adjusts the website according to the type of device and delivers an optimal viewing and interaction experience.

What does this mean for your election? Simply put, voters using a mobile device will not have to zoom, pan or scroll sideways because all the elements on the voting website are properly sized and placed. This makes for easy reading, easy navigation, and easy voting!

By embracing responsive design, we’ve ensured that voters can easily cast their ballots on the go, whether they’re at home, at work, or commuting. This flexibility aligns with the fast-paced, mobile-first world we live in, where user expectations demand speed, simplicity, and accessibility. Our commitment to mobile optimization means that your election website will not only look great but also function flawlessly on any device, empowering voters to participate effortlessly.

Visit our Election Website!

Logging Voter Activity

Today we introduced two improvements for the logging voter activity in the Election Manager:

Searchable Activity Log

The activity log is an audit trail of all significant activity related to the ballot. You can now search the activity log by Elector ID, by IP address, or by the type of activity.

Fine-Grained Logging

We now keep track of voter activity events leading up the final ballot submission. The “ballot opened” event reflects the voter accessing the ballot to start voting. The “ballot filled” event reflects the voter proceeding to the confirmation page. If a voter’s session is interrupted or if the voter changes her mind before final submission, you may find several “ballot opened” and/or “ballot filled” events leading up the “online vote” event.

These two improvements enhance the auditability of your election and also empower you to better help your voters. For example, if a voter reaches out to the election organizer needing assistance, you can now see where in voting process this particular voter “got stuck” and what steps remain to resolve the voter’s difficulty.

With the addition of the searchable activity log and fine-grained logging, Simply Voting has made it easier than ever for election organizers to track and understand voter behavior. The ability to search by Elector ID, IP address, or activity type gives you greater control over the audit trail and allows for quicker identification of any issues that may arise. These tools not only increase transparency but also provide valuable insights into the voting process, ensuring that you can assist voters efficiently. Whether it’s troubleshooting voter difficulties or confirming the integrity of your election, these updates provide the detailed information needed to support both your voters and the election’s overall security.

Contact us for more information!

Changing Dates and Electors Mid-Election

At Simply Voting we’ve designed our voting system with many safeguards to ensure that the election officer cannot undermine the election’s integrity when using our Election Manager interface to self-administer their elections. Now, you can change election dates and electors in your Election Manager.

Based on feedback from our customers and on our experience running thousands of elections, we’ve determined that a few restrictions were making things difficult for the election officer without providing much benefit.

Therefore we have made the following changes to the Election Manager, effective immediately:

Election Dates

Before, you could not precisely change the start and end of the election once the ballot had been finalized. You could only “start now” or “end now”.

Now, you can change the exact start of the election (until the election has started), and you can change the exact end of the election (until the election has ended). Such changes are recorded in the Activity Log.

Managing Electors

Before, you could not make any changes to the electors once the ballot had been finalized. You could only correct bounced email addresses.

Now, you can add individual electors, delete individual electors and edit individual electors  up until the election has ended. Such changes are recorded in the Activity Log. You cannot delete any elector that already voted, and you cannot change the vote weight or segment (if applicable) of any elector that already voted.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding these changes, please contact support to discuss.

Accurate Write-ins

We now offer “validated write-ins”. A write-in candidate is a candidate in an election whose name does not appear on the ballot, but for whom voters may vote nonetheless by writing in the person’s name. Simply Voting always supported write-ins as a feature but election organizers would have to deal with voters specifying fictional characters or many permutations of the same name like this:

  • John Doe
  • John C. Doe
  • J. Doe
  • Doe, John

In many cases the voter is only supposed to write-in a fellow member of his organization. For that scenario we now offer “validated write-ins”.  When voters begin typing inside a validated write-in, an auto-complete feature lists all matching electors by name and forces the voter to select or type a valid name.

This makes writing-in much easier for the voter and also gives the election administrator much cleaner results to work with. Each write-in candidate will be valid and properly formatted.

This new validated write-in feature streamlines the voting process by ensuring accuracy and consistency in write-in submissions. By preventing errors and fictional entries, election organizers can save time during tabulation and focus on legitimate votes. Additionally, the auto-complete functionality enhances usability for voters, making it quicker and easier to cast a write-in vote while adhering to election guidelines. This improvement reinforces the integrity of the voting process while maintaining a seamless experience for all participants.

Contact us for more information!

Voting Results Made Clear

Today we introduced several improvements to the way voting results are reported:

Sorted By Votes

Voting options (i.e. the candidates or choices to select on the ballot) are now sorted by the number of votes they received rather than alphabetically. This makes it much easier to determine who has won.

Options are also sorted by 1st preference votes on single transferable vote (STV) questions, so it is easier to follow the STV process of eliminating and electing candidates.

Better Handling of Write-ins

Election organizers may allow voters to write-in options which are not explicitly listed on the ballot. Write-ins are now sorted by the number of votes, which may make it less obvious to find duplicates. For example, “John Doe” may be nowhere near “John D”. Therefore election organizers may now download a spreadsheet containing write-in data for further analysis.

Intuitive Percentages

For plurality questions where voters may select multiple questions, the percentage shown next to the number of votes is now based on the total selections rather than the total voters. This makes more sense as all percentages will add up to 100%.

Voter Summary

For each question, we’ve simplified the voter summary. This summary indicates how many electors voted on the question and how many abstained.

If have any questions or concerns about how these changes to results may affect your organization, please contact support.

Usability Enhancements

We recently made several usability enhancements to the Election Manager, focusing on simplifying navigation and improving workflow efficiency. These updates are designed to make managing your elections more intuitive and user-friendly, helping you save time and reduce complexity while achieving the best possible outcomes. Here’s what’s new:

Importing Electors

When you import elector data, there is now a check-box to indicate that the first row of data contains column headers. If the box is checked, the first row will be ignored. Hopefully we will never again see an extra elector with a name of “Name” and an email address of “Email”!


We added an alternative way to navigate around your ballot, beyond the yellow ballot menu. From the ballot overview page there is now a list of links from which you can jump to the various sections of ballot management.

Sorting Tables

We added sortable column headers to tables in the following sections. You may click once to sort by that column in ascending order and click again to sort in descending order:

  •     Ballots
  •     Electors
  •     Activity Log
  •     Login History

Multiple Administrators

Many usability improvements were also made to our Multiple Administrators feature, which allows customers to create separate user accounts and have fine grain control over access to Election Manager:

  •     Sort and search users
  •     Improved bounce notification control
  •     Changing usergroup of finalized ballots
  •     User time zones

If you feel that your organization may benefit from Multiple Administrators, please contact support to find out more.